Providing financial information to our clients in a timely and accurate manner is a commitment that we feel cannot be compromised. Meaningful, well-organized financial records ensure that your business operations will run more efficiently on a daily basis. Our firm provides a full range of cost effective accounting services including the following:
*General ledger & financial statement preparation
*Bookkeeping (Monthly/Quarterly/Annual)
*Accounting system setup for new businesses
*Computerized payroll services
*Business tax return preparation (Sales & Use/Business Property)
*Personal financial statements
We view our role in the financial reporting process as an opportunity to provide constructive solutions for maximizing your company's profitability and efficiency. We provide financial reporting on all three levels of assurance:
*Audit- an intensive examination with the highest level of assurance
*Review - some analytical procedures conducted with limited assurance
*Compilation - based upon client information provided with no level of assurance.
Meaningful, well-organized financial records ensure that your business operations will run more efficiently on a daily basis and are the foundation of a successful business. Our qualified staff can assist you with the day-to-day tasks associated with bookkeeping.
We can assist you in the preparation of your financial statements in accordance with professional standards, but express no opinion or any other form of assurance on the underlying information included in them. The financial statements produced can be a useful tool for management for making financial decisions.
Asset protection, or wealth preservation, plan makes the enforcement of judgments against protected assets nearly impossible and allows the owner of protected assets to retain substantial control over these assets. Our firm can assist you with an asset protection plan that may include family limited partnerships.
Filing for bankruptcy is a serious and involved process with many legal and tax issues. Our firm is familiar with the complexities of the bankruptcy filing system and can competently guide you through the process.
We are a Certified QuickBooks Pro Advisor. We can assist you in QuickBooks Setup, Training, and Reporting.
Due to our diverse client base, we encounter a wide array of financial and tax issues. As a result, we have gained valuable experience over the years in numerous specialized areas, many of which are listed below. We feel our ability to provide such a variety of services reflects our versatility and competency, as well as our dedication to quality client service.
*Mergers & acquisitions
*Investment review
*Litigation support
*Cash flow forecasting
*Employee benefit plans
*Expert witness services
*Internet commerce
Choosing the form of entity of your business (e.g. "S" corporation, sole proprietor, limited liability company…) is a crucial decision that can have longstanding tax implications, positive or negative. We can assist you in evaluating the pros and cons of each entity type to help you determine the most advantageous form of business for your company.
Effective coordination of the transition of your business to your successors is critical to ensure its continued success once you decide to remove yourself from the company's day to day operations. With a solid background in tax and other financial matters, we are fully qualified to address the complex issues of business continuation and can assist you in developing a strategically sound plan.
Structuring the purchase or sale of a business properly is a critical step in the process of buying or selling a business. Our competent staff has experience to guide you through the acquisition/disposition process by addressing such issues as cash flow analysis and tax considerations.
Effective estate planning facilitates the orderly transfer of assets to your beneficiaries, provides security for your surviving spouse, and can reduce or eliminate the tax due on the transfer of your business and other assets. For business owners, providing for business continuity and succession of ownership is essential. We can guide you through the complex process of getting your financial affairs in order.
A properly structured financial plan enables you to face any financial challenge that may present itself at each stage of your life. Through the financial planning process, we can help you assess your financial needs and develop strategies that will enable you to achieve your goals and strengthen your financial security.
As you develop your investment strategy, we will act as your sounding board. We can assist you through our investment advisor affiliate, BNG Financial Services, Inc. or we can help you and your investment advisor build an investment portfolio that takes into consideration the impact of taxes and produces a favorable after-tax return.
Qualified retirement plans (e.g. defined-contribution or defined benefit plans, Keoghs, SEPs…) can provide significant tax advantages for closely held businesses and self-employed individuals. Our qualified staff can assist you in evaluating the type of pension plan that will best serve the retirement needs of you and your employees.
Successful implementation and periodic review of your financial plan will ensure financial independence during your working years and through your retirement years.
Effective estate and gift planning facilitates the orderly transfer of assets to your beneficiaries, provides security for your surviving spouse, and can reduce or eliminate the tax due on the transfer of your business and other assets. For business owners, providing for business continuity and succession of ownership is essential. We can guide you through the complex process of getting your financial affairs in order.
During our years of experience dealing with many taxing authorities, we have achieved a level of competence that can ensure our clients they are being properly represented before the various federal and state tax agencies.
As a business grows, it must hire more employees, which can result in increased payroll administration. We can assist you in implementing the controls necessary to ensure a reliable, efficient, and effective payroll system. Our firm can also help you develop a payroll system and prepare all necessary payroll tax returns in a timely manner.
Many of our clients are responsible for collecting and submitting sales taxes in many different vicinities. We can assist your company in the compilation of information and preparation of sales tax returns in an efficient and timely manner. We have extensive experience with sales tax examinations.
Our significant investment in computerized tax preparation and research software enables us to accurately and efficiently prepare returns for various types of entities including individuals, corporations, partnerships, trusts, estates, and not-for-profit organizations. We NEVER outsource the preparation of your tax returns, they are all prepared by our staff in our offices.
Services, in coordination with your attorney, regarding wills, family limited partnerships, trusts, etc. to accomplish your estate planning and asset protection goals.
Providing services to contracting firms is an area where we have extensive experience including helping the client work with bonding companies and state regulators.
GCCF has been designated as a responsible party for the current Gulf disaster under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 ("OPA"). As a result, GCCF must pay specific categories of damages caused by the spill including:
> Removal and cleanup costs > Property damage > Subsistence loss > Net lost profits/earning capacity
If your business has been or will be directly or indirectly affected by the BP oil spill, you should be contemplating a damage claim. You can file your claim yourself, through a suit filed by an attorney on your behalf, or by joining in one of a number of class action lawsuits being filed by various law firms.
We have reviewed the GCCF claims process and discussed the documentation requirements with representatives at the local GCCF claims office. The process can be very complicated and documentation requirements vary depending on the nature of the claim and type of business involved.
If you decide to pursue a damage claim, whichever path you choose, we stand ready to assist you and/or your attorney in filing a complete and accurate claim, thereby increasing the probability of a successful claim and timely payment.
It is our understanding from GCCF that the fees for our services will be added to your claim and paid by GCCF.